Academic Staff
Dr. Ir. Widyastuti Nurjayanti, M.T
Associate Professor
NIDN: 06-2202-6203
Educational Background
- S1: Architecture, UGM
- S2: Infrastructure Management, UMS
- S3: Islamic Architecture, UGM
Dr. Ir. Dhani Mutiari, M.T
NIDN: 06-0702-6701
Educational Background
- S1: Architecture, UNS
- S2: Architecture, UGM
- S3: Architecture, UGM
Dr. Ir. Qomarun, M.M
Associate Professor
NIDN: 06-0909-6903
Educational Background
- S1: Architecture, UGM
- S2: Magister Management, IPWI
- S3: Architecture, UGM
Dr. Rini Hidayati, S.T., M.T
NIDN: 06-1407-6901
Educational Background
- S1: Architecture, UGM
- S2: Architecture, UGM
- S3: Architecture, UGM
Yayi Arsandrie, S.T., M.T
NIDN: 06-2405-7302
Educational Background
- S1: Architecture, UNDIP
- S2: Architecture, ITB
Ronim Azizah, S.T., M.T
NIDN: 06-2501-7301
Educational Background
- S1: Architecture, UNS
- S2: Architecture, UGM
Dr. Ir. Indrawati, M.T
NIDN: 06-1611-6703
Educational Background
- S1: Architecture, UNDIP
- S2: Urban and Town Planning, ITB
Ir. Alpha Febela Priyatmono, M.T
NIDN: 06-1602-6001
Educational Background
- S1: Architecture, UGM
- S2: Architecture, UGM
Wisnu Setiawan, S.T., M.Arch., Ph.D
Junior Lecturer
NIDN: 06-0212-7401
Educational Background
- S1: Architecture, UGM
- S2: Urban Design, SPA New Delhi
- S3: School of Built Environment, University of Salford, UK
Dr. Nur Rahmawati Syamsiyah, S.T., M.T
NIDN: 06-1205-6801
Educational Background
- S1: Architecture, UNS
- S2: Architecture, UGM
- S3: Architecture, UGM
Suryaning Setyowati, S T , M T
NIDN: 06-1205-7501
Educational Background
- S1: Architecture, UNDIP
- S2: Architecture, UGM
Muhammad Siam Priyono N, S.T., M.T
NIDN: 06-1906-7301
Educational Background
- S1: Architecture, UNS
- S2: Architecture, ITB
Ir. Samsudin, M.Sc
Junior Lecturer
NIDN: 06-0504-6001
Educational Background
- S1: Architecture, UGM
- S2: Architecture, UGM
Ir. Nurhasan, M.T
Junior Lecturer
NIDN: 01-0712-6506
Educational Background
- S1: Architecture, UNDIP
- S2: Architecture, ITB
Dyah Widi Astuti, S.T., M.Sc
Educational Background
- S1: Architecture, UNS
- S2: Housing, IHS Netherland
Suharyani, S.T., M.T
Educational Background
- S1: Architecture, UMS
- S2: Infrastructure Management, UMS
Andika Saputra, S.T., M.Sc
Educational Background
- S1: Architecture, Universitas Warmadewa, Bali
- S2: Architecture, UGM
Fadhilla Tri Nugrahaini, S.T., M.Sc
Educational Background
- S1: Architecture, UNS
- S2: Architecture, UGM
Fauzi Mizan Prabowo Aji, S.Ars., M.Ars.
Educational Background
- S1: Architecture, UII
- S2: Architecture, ITB