
Suitability of Learning Outcomes with Competency Standards

Competencies for the Architecture Study Program are in accordance with the IAI (Indonesian Architectural Association) and APTARI (Indonesian Architectural Higher Education Association) which are based on the AIA (Association International Architect), which determines that there are 13 abilities that architecture graduates must possess, namely:

  1. Environment
  2. History, Theory and Method
  3. Design and art
  4. Urban design
  5. Human behaviour
  6. Design environment
  7. Profesional practice
  8. Comunications
  9. Technology engineering
  10. Physical technology
  11. Profesional practice
  12. Profesional practice (organization and regulation)
  13. Profesional practice (development costs)

UMS Architectural Competencies

IAI (Indonesian Architectural Association) and APTARI (Association of Indonesian Architectural Colleges) which are based on the AIA (Association International Architect) determine 13 abilities that architecture graduates must possess. Based on these guidelines, UMS Architecture summarizes into ten (10) main competencies plus several subjects: (1) superior in accordance with the vision and mission of the UMS Architecture Study Program as a Center of Excellence for Architectural Education, namely Islamic Architecture, (2) characteristic courses of the Faculty of Engineering UMS , namely Engineering, and (3) the characteristics of the Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta, namely Al Islam and Kemuhammadiyaan, Citizenship and Pancasila, and Indonesian Language.

In summary, these four basic considerations result in the following classification:

  1. Art and Design, Technology, Theory and Methode, Islamic Architecture
  2. Comunications, History of Architecture, Human Behaviour, Environment
  3. Urban Design
  4. Practical Practice
  5. Engineering
  6. Al Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan, Citizenship and Pancasila, Indonesian

Semester Curriculum Structure