Architecture UMS held National Seminar SIAR II

SIAR, stands for Seminar Ilmiah Arsitektur (Architectural Scientific Seminar), was again held by the Study Program of Architecture , Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta (UMS). This year’s, SIAR was the second conference and was held on Tuesday, February 2, 2021. Differently with SIAR I which was held offline, SIAR II was held online through the Zoom Meeting as a form of preventing the spread of the Covid-19 virus.

With the theme of “Searching for Architecture: Adaptation to New Life”, SIAR II tried to explore ways that all levels of society, especially architects, are able to adapt and face the challenges of life in the midst of a pandemic. Two speakers attended the panel session: Hapsari Wahyuningsih, ST, M.Sc (Aisiyah University Yogyakarta) and Andika Saputra, ST, M.Sc (Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta) and accompanied by Muhammad Siam Priyono Nugroho, ST, MT as the moderator. Both speakers shared their ideas about ways and concepts in architecture so that people are able to adapt to current conditions.

SIAR II divided the sessions into two, namely a panel session and a presentation session by participants who have submitted their scientific papers. The presentation session was attended by 84 participants and among them 66 participants UMS students participated and another 18 external participants from various universities in Indonesia also joined. The best papers have the opportunity to be published in four architectural journals. The best papers went to the paper of Wiyatiningsih (Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana) and Fasiha Putri Untsa (UMS).

SIAR II ran smoothly; and it is hoped that it would be able to provide benefits and new scientific views that have an impact on the development of architecture in Indonesia. Hopefully, SIAR II will continue next year.