WEBINARCH 1.0 was a forum for discussion of the alumni of the Architecture Study Program, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. This event discussed the potential activities during this difficult situation, complete with the opportunities and challenges. For the first time, this agenda was carried out with the aim of providing an overview to the graduates in facing a more concrete world of work and how to adapt in it and develop themselves.
This event was held on Saturday, July 24, 2021 and was attended by alumni of the SP-Architecture UMS, which was particularly devoted to fresh graduates and graduates of the last 3 years, accompanied by the presence of lecturers and students of the study program. This event invited internal and external speakers. The internal speakers came from alumni of the Architecture Study Program at the University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta, namely Nuraini Marsudi as the Owner of PT. Nura Studio and Luthfi Latifa as Owner of Olla Kitchen. Meanwhile, the external speaker presented Rizki Osfaldo as Senior Recruitment Executive al Logisty.
WEBINARCH 1.0 was generally divided into several parts, including a welcoming session, a sharing session from the speakers followed by a question and answer session from the participants, and games on the sidelines of a question and answer session. Unexpectedly, this event received an excellent response and ran smoothly. Many alumni were enthusiastic for this agenda; they suggested that this event could be held regularly.